Concurs „Lucky or Smart”

Lume, lume, avem un concurs ce incepe astazi 09.02.2012 si se va incheia pe 19.02.2012.

Premiul? Cartea a lui Bo Peabody  – Lucky Or Smart?: Secrets to an Entrepreneurial Life

Despre carte: At twenty-seven, Bo Peabody was an Internet multi-millionaire. In the heady days of the late 1990s, though, when every cool kid had an IPO, that wasn’t very remarkable. What is remarkable is that he’s even more successful today. He has co-founded five different companies, in varied industries, and made them thrive during the best and worst of economic times. Through it all, the one question everyone asks is: Was it his smarts that made him an entrepreneurial leader, or was it just plain luck? The truth is, Bo was smart enough to know when he was getting lucky. And he wants you to have the same advantage.

With proven methods for success and a witty, conversational voice, Bo takes the reader through the lessons his experiences as an entrepreneur have taught him. At the heart of Bo’s manifesto is a mantra that everyone, whether working for a multinational corporation or a solo start-up, should heed: If you want your business to be successful, make sure your work is fundamentally innovative, morally compelling, and philosophically positive.

Lucky or Smart? will teach you how to put yourself in a position to get lucky, create the right situations for success, and take advantage of every opportunity. It is the first truly authentic guide to an entrepreneurial life, a must read for anyone looking for his or her own road to fulfillment.

Tot ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a intra in cursa pentru premiu, este sa lasati un comentariu la acest post, de preferat pe tema cartii..ce trebuie mai mult pentru a avea succes in lumea antreprenoriala: noroc sau inteligenta?

Pe 20 februarie voi extrage o adresă de e-mail dintre cele inregistrate la comentarii şi voi contacta câştigătorul, apoi îl voi anunţa aici într-un update. Succesuri! 🙂


APPLY NOW for Ensight Internship 2011

Ensight Internship 2011

Stand out from the crowd!

If you want to lay the first brick on your career foundation, experience management consulting and gain valuable business insights in a short period of time, then you should apply now for the Ensight Internship 2011.

We are looking for exceptionally talented students who are passionate to learn about management consulting and wish to develop professionally.

If you:

§  Are last year or Master student (any educational background is acceptable)

§  Are fluent in English –  knowledge of another foreign language is a plus

§  Have strong MS Office abilities (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

§  Are highly motivated, with good academic credentials, a strong record of extracurricular activities and leadership

§  Act as a dedicated team player

§  Possess strong abilities for analytical and „out-of-the-box” thinking

§  Feel highly committed to achieving challenging goals

You will have the chance to experience what management consulting is about through:

§  Working on external assignments in one or more of our practice areas: Strategy, Operations, Finance, People, Technology in industries such as: oil & gas, financial services, retail and distribution, pharmaceuticals etc.  

§  Supporting Ensight consultants in various internal projects

§  Getting familiar with and applying Ensight methodology in all projects in which one is involved

§  Joining a young and dynamic team

§  Attending a series of training courses according to Ensight training calendar

Should you be interested to apply, please click here (, download the application form, and send your CV and the application form to  by May 15th.

The pre-selected candidates will then join us for the Ensight Weekend (20-21 May). In the first day you will have the chance to get accustomed with the company and its team, and on the 21st of May you will have the opportunity to prove your capabilities and skills in a case study exercise.

The best students will be awarded a 3 months (September-November 2011) internship at Ensight!

If you think you are up to the challenge, we encourage you to apply and stand out from the crowd!